Folks, The California Register has decided to move on from the Kristin Smart case. We find ourselves at an impasse of sorts. Denise and Stan Smart (parents of Kristin Smart) have chosen to place their faith and confidence in the San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s office to find their daughter and hold those responsible for her disappearance and probable murder fully accountable.

It is our opinion the San Luis Obispo Sheriff has “issues” and is not worthy of the trust Kristin’s parents have given him for these many long years. We believe the body of Kristin Smart is encased in concrete in the rear left-hand corner of 529 E. Branch Street, the home owned by the parents of Paul Flores who is the last person seen with Kristin Smart in May 1996.
The California Register is moving on until the parents realize that three sheriffs and three district attorneys have badly screwed up the Kristin Smart case. For one reason or another, the sheriff and district attorney have decided to bypass the backyard saying that it has already been searched and Kristin Smart’s body is not there.
We STRONGLY believe she is there. Maybe they will move to dig up the backyard at some point in the future, but for now…. everyone seems to be satisfied that Kristin’s body is not in the backyard.
America’s biggest problem is crooked, inept and lazy sheriffs that are simply not being held accountable. The San Luis Obispo Sheriff is a nice man, a likable man, but he should have cleared that backyard before he took another step when he was sworn is as sheriff in January of 2011.
We are heartbroken for Stan and Denise Smart for the decades of suffering they have endured without any closure at all. But, there is a spell that has been cast by a Svengali sheriff to make sure they do not hold press conferences and start demanding action and answers. As long as the parents remain appeased, they will remain quiet. As long as the parents remain quiet, the body of Kristin Smart will not be recovered.
The parents trust the sheriff to find their daughter and bring people to justice, we, on the other hand, have very little confidence in the sheriff’s department. Consequently, there’s a major impasse that exists.
The California Register printed newspaper is no longer being printed. We do not update this website very often unless there is breaking news. Oh, we may post an article here and there, but we have pretty much moved on with other pursuits. We wish all the Kristin searchers good luck in their efforts to find Kristin and bring her home.